Albany Gnostic Center: Since 2000

“It is necessary to know, to experience in a living way, the illuminated aspect of the consciousness. It is urgent to feel and to experience the Void aspect of the mind.”


All books are free of cost.

Encounter With Samael

Islamic Sufi tradition says that he who does not have a Master, has Satan as his Master. The Master is the Spiritual Sun that illuminates the darkness of the aspirant to the wisdom of the Being.


Gnosis: Tradition & Revelation

The Gospel of Truth is joy for those who have received from the Father of truth the grace of knowing him, through the power of the Word that came forth from the Pleroma, the one who is in the thought and the mind of the Father, that is, the one who is addressed as ‘the Savior,’ (that) being the name of the work He is to perform for the redemption of those who were ignorant of the Father, while in the name of the gospel is the proclamation of hope, being discovery for those who search for him.


The Power of Wisdom

There are people that no longer feel remorse for anything. But, what is remorse? When the Being, when the superior parts of the Being are put face to face before the Sacred Absolute Sun, they see the reality and if their inferior parts march on the mistaken path, then remorse arises in the Being; this remorse of the Being is transmitted to the personality.


Fundamental Education

It is necessary to stop being robots, to awaken consciousness, and to discover for ourselves what is this very terrible struggle of passing exams, studying, living at a certain place just to study everyday and spend the whole year having nervous breakdowns, worrying, being distressed, practicing sports, quarreling with fellow students, etc.


Revolutionary Psychology

Unquestionably, the poor intellectual animal mistakenly called man not only doesn’t know but also doesn’t know that he doesn’t know. The worst of it is the strange and difficult situation in which we find ourselves; we ignore the secret of all our tragedies and yet we are convinced that we know it all.


The Yellow Book

Why did the author baptize one of his many works with a name like this? He himself explains it to us by telling us, “This is The Yellow Book; it is the wisdom of the Buddhas; it is the science of the cosmic mind. The Buddhas use a yellow cloak. The color of the mental world is yellow. When a man liberates himself from the four bodies of sin, he is a Buddha. Every Buddha uses a yellow cloak. The ray of the Christ is golden yellow.”
